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2 - Recognising Rhythms for Bellydance
Introduction to Recognising Rhythms
Introduction to the tutors (4:24)
Introduction to the course (2:37)
Introduction to Middle Eastern Music
Notation of Rhythms
Time Signatures (3:09)
Time Signatures Quiz
The Box Method
Sounds of the Drum
Names of Rhythms
Tips for Listening
First Family of Rhythms
2/4 Vox
Vox quiz
2/4 Ayoub/Zaar (0:20)
Ayoub/Zaar quiz
2/4 Malfouf (1:13)
Malfouf quiz
Mini quiz 1
4/4 Wahda (2:05)
Wahda quiz
4/4 Wosta/Baio Khaleegy (0:19)
Wosta/Baio Khaleegy quiz
4/4 Oriental Rhumba
Oriental Rhumba quiz
Mini Quiz 2
8/4 Wahda El Kebir / Çiftetelli (2:06)
Wahda El Kebir / Çiftetelli quiz
First Family of Rhythms Quiz
Second Family of Rhythms
Introduction to our second rhythm family
2/4 Fellahi (1:03)
Fellahi quiz
4/4 Maqsoum / Wahda wa Noss (1:19)
Maqsoum/Wahda wa Noss quiz
4/4 Masmoudi Saghir / Baladi (0:15)
Masmoudi saghir / baladi quiz
Mini Quiz 1
4/4 Saidi / Masmoudi Maqloub (3:52)
Saidi quiz
4/4 Debke (1:15)
Debke quiz
8/4 Masmoudi Kebir (0:06)
Masmoudi Kebir quiz
Second family of Rhythms Quiz
Individual Rhythms
4/4 Zaffa (0:49)
Zaffa quiz
3/4 Samai Darig / Samai Ta'er / Waltz (0:12)
9/8 Dokuz Sekiz / Karsilama
Dokuz Sekiz / Karsilama quiz
Samai Darig / Samai Ta'er / Waltz quiz
10/8 Samai Thaqil (5:29)
Samai thaqil quiz
Individual Rhythms Quiz
Mini Quiz
Zoom lectures
Conclusion and Graded quiz
Course Summary
Rhythms Graded Quiz
Dokuz Sekiz / Karsilama quiz
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